We offer customer-tailored approaches to help clients provide integrated services to their users through connected and automated vehicle technologies.
Inductive Loop Signature is an emerging advanced sensor technology that aims to provide meanful data for vehicle classification, travel information, travel time estimation, emission, and OD estimation applications.
We help explore traffic signal control, ramp metering, and traffic management algorithms and strategies using the microsimulation tools.
We provide services on the development of plugins or add-ons for modeling software including Paramics, TransModeler and Vissim and TransCAD. We are the major microsimulation plugin developer in the world.
We are the leading micro-simulation consultant in the world. We have extensive experiences using the most popular microsimulation packages, including Paramics, Transmodeler, and Vissim.
We have extensive experiences using the most popular travel demand modeling software packages, including TransCAD and Visum.